Journal Papers
C.-S. Lin and Y.-C. F. Wang, "Describe, Spot and Explain: Interpretable Representation Learning for Discriminative Visual Reasoning", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), Apr. 2023.
F.-E. Yang, Y.-H. Lee, C.-C. Lin, and Y.-C. F. Wang, "Semantics-Guided Intra-Category Knowledge Transfer for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning", International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), Feb. 2023.
Z.-H. Lin, S.-Y. Huang, and Y.-C. F. Wang, "Learning of 3D Graph Convolution Networks for Point Cloud Analysis," IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), Aug. 2022 (PDF).
F.-E. Yang, J.-C. Chang, C.-C. Tsai and Y.-C. F. Wang, "Learning Disentangled Representations for Cross-Domain Image Analysis," IEEE COMSOC MMTC Communications – Review, Vol. 11, No. 4, August 2020.
Y.-Y. Yeh, Y.-C. Liu, W.-C. Chiu, and Y.-C. F. Wang, "Static2Dynamic: Video Inference From a Deep Glimpse," IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, May. 2020 (PDF).
F.-E. Yang*, J.-C. Chang*, C.-C. Tsai, and Y.-C. F. Wang, "A Multi-domain and Multi-modal Representation Disentangler for Cross-Domain Image Manipulation and Classification," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Jan. 2020 (PDF).
W.-Y. Chen, T.-M. H. Hsu, Y.-H. H. Tsai, M.-S. Chen, and Y.-C. F. Wang, “Transfer Neural Trees: Semi-Supervised Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation and Beyond," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing ", Mar. 2019 (PDF).
K.-H. Lo, Y.-C. F. Wang, and K.-L. Hua, "Edge-preserving Depth Map Upsampling by Joint Trilateral Filter," IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, Volume: 48, Issue: 1, Jan. 2018.
C.-A. Hou, Y.-H. H. Tsai, Y.-R. Yeh, and Y.-C. F. Wang, "Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Label and Structural Consistency," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, volume 25, number 12, pages 5552-5562, December 2016.
K.-H. Lo, Y.-C. F. Wang, and K.-L. Hua, "Example-based Image Textural Style Transfer," IEEE MultiMedia, volume 23, number 4, pages 60-66, October 2016.
K.-L. Hua, S. C. Hidayati, F.-L. He, C.-P. Wei and Y.-C. F. Wang, "Context-Aware Joint Dictionary Learning for Color Image Demosaicking," to appear in Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation.
K.-S. Huang, P.-J. Chiu, H.-M. Tsai, C.-C. Kuo, H.-Y. Lee, and Y.-C. F. Wang, "RedEye: Preventing Collisions Caused by Red-Light Running Scooters with Smartphones," to appear in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS).
K.-L. Hua, K.-H. Lo, and Y.-C. F. Wang, "Extended Guided Filtering for Depth Map Upsampling," IEEE MultiMedia, volume 23, number 2, pages 72-83, April 2016.
H.-S. Chang and Y.-C. F. Wang, "Optimizing the Decomposition for Multiple Foreground Cosegmentation," Computer Vision and Image Understanding, volume 141, pages 18-27, December 2015. (PDF, code)
C.-P. Wei and Y.-C. F. Wang, "Undersampled Face Recognition via Robust Auxiliary Dictionary Learning," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, volume 24, number 6, pages 1722-1734, June 2015. (PDF, code)
T.-C. Lin, M.-C. Yang, C.-Y. Tsai, and Y.-C. F. Wang, "Query-Adaptive Multiple Instance Learning for Video Instance Retrieval," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, volume 24, number 4, pages 1330-1340, April 2015. (PDF)
C.-P. Wei, C.-F. Chen, and Y.-C. F. Wang, "Robust Face Recognition with Structurally Incoherent Low-Rank Matrix Decomposition," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, volume 23, number 8, pages 3294-3307, Aug. 2014. (PDF, code) (A shorter version appeared in CVPR '12)
Y.-R. Yeh, C.-H. Huang, and Y.-C. F. Wang, "Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation and Classification by Exploiting the Correlation Subspace," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, volume 23, number 5, pages 2009-2018, May 2014. (PDF, code) (A shorter version appeared in ECCV WS '12)
D.-A. Huang, L.-W. Kang, Y.-C. F. Wang, and C.-W. Lin, "Self-Learning Based Image Decomposition with Applications to Single Image Denoising," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, volume 16, number 1, pages 83-93, January 2014. (PDF, code)
M.-C. Yang, W. K. Moon, Y.-C. F. Wang, M. S. Bae, C.-S. Huang, J.-H. Chen, and R.-F. Chang, "Robust Texture Analysis Using Multi-resolution Gray-scale Invariant Features for Breast Sonographic Tumor Diagnosis," IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, volume 32, number 12, pages 2262-2273, December 2013. (PDF)
W.-T. Li, H.-S. Chang, K.-C. Lien, H.-T. Chang, and Y.-C. F. Wang, "Exploring Visual and Motion Saliency for Automatic Video Object Extraction," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, volume 22, no. 7, page 2600-2610, July 2013. (PDF, code)
Y.-J. Lee, Y.-R. Yeh, and Y.-C. F. Wang, "Anomaly Detection via Online Over-Sampling Principal Component Analysis," IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, volume 25, no. 7, page 1460-1470, July 2013. (PDF, code)
C.-P. Wei, Y.-W. Chao, Y.-R. Yeh, and Y.-C. F. Wang, "Locality-Sensitive Dictionary Learning for Sparse Representation Based Classification," Pattern Recognition, volume 46, number 5, pages 1277-1287, May 2013. (PDF, code)
Y.-R. Yeh and Y.-C. F. Wang, "A Rank-One Update Method for Least Squares Linear Discriminant Analysis with Concept Drift," Pattern Recognition, volume 46, number 5, pages 1267-1276, May 2013. (PDF)
M.-C. Yang and Y.-C. F. Wang, "A Self-Learning Approach to Single Image Super-Resolution," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, volume 15, number 3, April 2013. (PDF, code)
S.-W. Sun, Y.-C. F. Wang, F. Huang, and H.-Y. M. Liao, "Moving Foreground Object Detection via Robust SIFT Trajectories," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, volume 24, number 3, April 2013. (PDF)
Y.-R. Yeh, T.-C. Lin, Y.-Y. Chung, and Y.-C. F. Wang, "A Novel Multiple Kernel Learning Framework for Heterogeneous Feature Fusion and Variable Selection," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, volume 14, number 3, pages 563-574, June 2012. (PDF)
Y.-C. F. Wang and D. Casasent, "New support vector-based design method for binary hierarchical classifiers for multi-class classification problems," Neural Networks, (21) 2-3, Mar. - Apr. 2008, pp. 502-510. (PDF)
D. Casasent and Y.-C. Wang, "A hierarchical classifier using new support vector machine for automatic target recognition," Neural Networks, (18) 5-6, Jul. - Aug. 2005, pp. 541-548. (PDF)
F.-E. Yang, Y.-H. Lee, C.-C. Lin, and Y.-C. F. Wang, "Semantics-Guided Intra-Category Knowledge Transfer for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning", International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), Feb. 2023.
Z.-H. Lin, S.-Y. Huang, and Y.-C. F. Wang, "Learning of 3D Graph Convolution Networks for Point Cloud Analysis," IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), Aug. 2022 (PDF).
F.-E. Yang, J.-C. Chang, C.-C. Tsai and Y.-C. F. Wang, "Learning Disentangled Representations for Cross-Domain Image Analysis," IEEE COMSOC MMTC Communications – Review, Vol. 11, No. 4, August 2020.
Y.-Y. Yeh, Y.-C. Liu, W.-C. Chiu, and Y.-C. F. Wang, "Static2Dynamic: Video Inference From a Deep Glimpse," IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, May. 2020 (PDF).
F.-E. Yang*, J.-C. Chang*, C.-C. Tsai, and Y.-C. F. Wang, "A Multi-domain and Multi-modal Representation Disentangler for Cross-Domain Image Manipulation and Classification," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Jan. 2020 (PDF).
W.-Y. Chen, T.-M. H. Hsu, Y.-H. H. Tsai, M.-S. Chen, and Y.-C. F. Wang, “Transfer Neural Trees: Semi-Supervised Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation and Beyond," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing ", Mar. 2019 (PDF).
K.-H. Lo, Y.-C. F. Wang, and K.-L. Hua, "Edge-preserving Depth Map Upsampling by Joint Trilateral Filter," IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, Volume: 48, Issue: 1, Jan. 2018.
C.-A. Hou, Y.-H. H. Tsai, Y.-R. Yeh, and Y.-C. F. Wang, "Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Label and Structural Consistency," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, volume 25, number 12, pages 5552-5562, December 2016.
K.-H. Lo, Y.-C. F. Wang, and K.-L. Hua, "Example-based Image Textural Style Transfer," IEEE MultiMedia, volume 23, number 4, pages 60-66, October 2016.
K.-L. Hua, S. C. Hidayati, F.-L. He, C.-P. Wei and Y.-C. F. Wang, "Context-Aware Joint Dictionary Learning for Color Image Demosaicking," to appear in Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation.
K.-S. Huang, P.-J. Chiu, H.-M. Tsai, C.-C. Kuo, H.-Y. Lee, and Y.-C. F. Wang, "RedEye: Preventing Collisions Caused by Red-Light Running Scooters with Smartphones," to appear in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS).
K.-L. Hua, K.-H. Lo, and Y.-C. F. Wang, "Extended Guided Filtering for Depth Map Upsampling," IEEE MultiMedia, volume 23, number 2, pages 72-83, April 2016.
H.-S. Chang and Y.-C. F. Wang, "Optimizing the Decomposition for Multiple Foreground Cosegmentation," Computer Vision and Image Understanding, volume 141, pages 18-27, December 2015. (PDF, code)
C.-P. Wei and Y.-C. F. Wang, "Undersampled Face Recognition via Robust Auxiliary Dictionary Learning," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, volume 24, number 6, pages 1722-1734, June 2015. (PDF, code)
T.-C. Lin, M.-C. Yang, C.-Y. Tsai, and Y.-C. F. Wang, "Query-Adaptive Multiple Instance Learning for Video Instance Retrieval," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, volume 24, number 4, pages 1330-1340, April 2015. (PDF)
C.-P. Wei, C.-F. Chen, and Y.-C. F. Wang, "Robust Face Recognition with Structurally Incoherent Low-Rank Matrix Decomposition," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, volume 23, number 8, pages 3294-3307, Aug. 2014. (PDF, code) (A shorter version appeared in CVPR '12)
Y.-R. Yeh, C.-H. Huang, and Y.-C. F. Wang, "Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation and Classification by Exploiting the Correlation Subspace," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, volume 23, number 5, pages 2009-2018, May 2014. (PDF, code) (A shorter version appeared in ECCV WS '12)
D.-A. Huang, L.-W. Kang, Y.-C. F. Wang, and C.-W. Lin, "Self-Learning Based Image Decomposition with Applications to Single Image Denoising," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, volume 16, number 1, pages 83-93, January 2014. (PDF, code)
M.-C. Yang, W. K. Moon, Y.-C. F. Wang, M. S. Bae, C.-S. Huang, J.-H. Chen, and R.-F. Chang, "Robust Texture Analysis Using Multi-resolution Gray-scale Invariant Features for Breast Sonographic Tumor Diagnosis," IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, volume 32, number 12, pages 2262-2273, December 2013. (PDF)
W.-T. Li, H.-S. Chang, K.-C. Lien, H.-T. Chang, and Y.-C. F. Wang, "Exploring Visual and Motion Saliency for Automatic Video Object Extraction," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, volume 22, no. 7, page 2600-2610, July 2013. (PDF, code)
Y.-J. Lee, Y.-R. Yeh, and Y.-C. F. Wang, "Anomaly Detection via Online Over-Sampling Principal Component Analysis," IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, volume 25, no. 7, page 1460-1470, July 2013. (PDF, code)
C.-P. Wei, Y.-W. Chao, Y.-R. Yeh, and Y.-C. F. Wang, "Locality-Sensitive Dictionary Learning for Sparse Representation Based Classification," Pattern Recognition, volume 46, number 5, pages 1277-1287, May 2013. (PDF, code)
Y.-R. Yeh and Y.-C. F. Wang, "A Rank-One Update Method for Least Squares Linear Discriminant Analysis with Concept Drift," Pattern Recognition, volume 46, number 5, pages 1267-1276, May 2013. (PDF)
M.-C. Yang and Y.-C. F. Wang, "A Self-Learning Approach to Single Image Super-Resolution," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, volume 15, number 3, April 2013. (PDF, code)
S.-W. Sun, Y.-C. F. Wang, F. Huang, and H.-Y. M. Liao, "Moving Foreground Object Detection via Robust SIFT Trajectories," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, volume 24, number 3, April 2013. (PDF)
Y.-R. Yeh, T.-C. Lin, Y.-Y. Chung, and Y.-C. F. Wang, "A Novel Multiple Kernel Learning Framework for Heterogeneous Feature Fusion and Variable Selection," IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, volume 14, number 3, pages 563-574, June 2012. (PDF)
Y.-C. F. Wang and D. Casasent, "New support vector-based design method for binary hierarchical classifiers for multi-class classification problems," Neural Networks, (21) 2-3, Mar. - Apr. 2008, pp. 502-510. (PDF)
D. Casasent and Y.-C. Wang, "A hierarchical classifier using new support vector machine for automatic target recognition," Neural Networks, (18) 5-6, Jul. - Aug. 2005, pp. 541-548. (PDF)