Recent News
2024-10-20 Congratulations! VLL has 1 paper accepted for WACV 2025.
Congratulations to Ci-Siang Lin, whose paper "Semantic Prompt Learning for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation" is accepted for WACV 2025.
Congratulations to Ci-Siang Lin, whose paper "Semantic Prompt Learning for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation" is accepted for WACV 2025.
2024-09-26 Congratulations! VLL has 1 paper accepted for NeurIPS 2024.
Congratulations to Jr-Jen Chen, whose paper "ReXTime: A Benchmark Suite for Reasoning-Across-Time in Videos" is accepted for NeurIPS 2024.
Congratulations to Jr-Jen Chen, whose paper "ReXTime: A Benchmark Suite for Reasoning-Across-Time in Videos" is accepted for NeurIPS 2024.
2024-07-02 Congratulations! VLL has 3 papers accepted for ECCV 2024.
Congratulations to Chi-Pin Huang, Yu-Chu Yu, and Bin-Shih Wu, whose papers "Receler: Reliable Concept Erasing of Text-to-Image Diffusion Models via Lightweight Erasers", "Select and Distill: Selective Dual-Teacher Knowledge Transfer for Continual Learning on Vision-Language Models", and "TPA3D: Triplane Attention for Fast Text-to-3D Generation" are accepted for ECCV 2024.
2024-06-22 Congratulations! VLL's work is accepted for ICML 2024.
Congratulations to Prof. Wang and NVIDIA collaborators, whose paper "DoRA: Weight-Decomposed Low-Rank Adaptation" is accepted for ICML 2024.
2024-02-27 Congratulations! VLL's work is accepted for CVPR 2024.
Congratulations to Zi-Ting Chou, whose paper "GSNeRF: Generalizable Semantic Neural Radiance Fields with Enhanced 3D Scene Understanding" is accepted for CVPR 2024.
2024-01-17 Congratulations! VLL's work is accepted for ICLR 2024.
Congratulations to Kai-Po Chang, whose paper "RAPPER: Reinforced Rationale-Prompted Paradigm for Natural Language Explanation in Visual Question Answering" is accepted for ICLR 2024.
2024-01-17 Congratulations! VLL's work is accepted for ICLR 2024.
Congratulations to Prof. Wang and NVIDIA collaborators, whose paper "Self-Supervised Speech Quality Estimation and Enhancement Using Only Clean Speech" is accepted for ICLR 2024.
2023-12-11 Congratulations! VLL's work is accepted for AAAI 2024.
Congratulations to I-Jieh Liu, whose paper "Language-Guided Transformer for Federated Multi-Label Classification" is accepted for AAAI 2024.
2023-09-22 Congratulations! VLL's work is accepted for NeurIPS 2023.
Congratulations to Yung-Hsuan Lai, whose paper "Modality-Independent Teachers Meet Weakly-Supervised Audio-Visual Event Parser" is accepted for NeurIPS 2023.
2023-07-15 Congratulations! Prof. Frank Wang receives the Excellence in Teaching Award at National Taiwan University.
Congratulations to Prof. Wang for receiving the Excellence in Teaching Award for the fourth time in a row (2020 to 2023).
2023-07-14 Congratulations! VLL's work is accepted for ICCV 2023.
Congratulations to Fu-En Yang, whose paper "Efficient Model Personalization in Federated Learning via Client-Specific Prompt Generation" is accepted for ICCV 2023.
2023-07-12 Congratulations! Prof. Frank Wang receives the Outstanding Young Scholar Award from the Foundation for the Advancement of Outstanding Scholarship.
The Foundation for the Advancement of Outstanding Scholarship (FAOS) aims to enhance this nation's educational, high-tech, scientific and socio-cultural development of Taiwan. This award is selected for those who are researchers or faculty members in Taiwan with age below 45 and have remarkable research achievements and impacts in the above areas.
Congratulations to Chi-Pin Huang, Yu-Chu Yu, and Bin-Shih Wu, whose papers "Receler: Reliable Concept Erasing of Text-to-Image Diffusion Models via Lightweight Erasers", "Select and Distill: Selective Dual-Teacher Knowledge Transfer for Continual Learning on Vision-Language Models", and "TPA3D: Triplane Attention for Fast Text-to-3D Generation" are accepted for ECCV 2024.
2024-06-22 Congratulations! VLL's work is accepted for ICML 2024.
Congratulations to Prof. Wang and NVIDIA collaborators, whose paper "DoRA: Weight-Decomposed Low-Rank Adaptation" is accepted for ICML 2024.
2024-02-27 Congratulations! VLL's work is accepted for CVPR 2024.
Congratulations to Zi-Ting Chou, whose paper "GSNeRF: Generalizable Semantic Neural Radiance Fields with Enhanced 3D Scene Understanding" is accepted for CVPR 2024.
2024-01-17 Congratulations! VLL's work is accepted for ICLR 2024.
Congratulations to Kai-Po Chang, whose paper "RAPPER: Reinforced Rationale-Prompted Paradigm for Natural Language Explanation in Visual Question Answering" is accepted for ICLR 2024.
2024-01-17 Congratulations! VLL's work is accepted for ICLR 2024.
Congratulations to Prof. Wang and NVIDIA collaborators, whose paper "Self-Supervised Speech Quality Estimation and Enhancement Using Only Clean Speech" is accepted for ICLR 2024.
2023-12-11 Congratulations! VLL's work is accepted for AAAI 2024.
Congratulations to I-Jieh Liu, whose paper "Language-Guided Transformer for Federated Multi-Label Classification" is accepted for AAAI 2024.
2023-09-22 Congratulations! VLL's work is accepted for NeurIPS 2023.
Congratulations to Yung-Hsuan Lai, whose paper "Modality-Independent Teachers Meet Weakly-Supervised Audio-Visual Event Parser" is accepted for NeurIPS 2023.
2023-07-15 Congratulations! Prof. Frank Wang receives the Excellence in Teaching Award at National Taiwan University.
Congratulations to Prof. Wang for receiving the Excellence in Teaching Award for the fourth time in a row (2020 to 2023).
2023-07-14 Congratulations! VLL's work is accepted for ICCV 2023.
Congratulations to Fu-En Yang, whose paper "Efficient Model Personalization in Federated Learning via Client-Specific Prompt Generation" is accepted for ICCV 2023.
2023-07-12 Congratulations! Prof. Frank Wang receives the Outstanding Young Scholar Award from the Foundation for the Advancement of Outstanding Scholarship.
The Foundation for the Advancement of Outstanding Scholarship (FAOS) aims to enhance this nation's educational, high-tech, scientific and socio-cultural development of Taiwan. This award is selected for those who are researchers or faculty members in Taiwan with age below 45 and have remarkable research achievements and impacts in the above areas.